5 top skills little learners should develop during homeschooling


With the Covid-19 pandemic taking a toll on our physical and mental health and our daily life getting disrupted, home-schooling has become an integral part of the student community. It comes almost hand in hand with the academic curriculum of every child. Although it was considered an option before, it has become as essential as the sanitizers and N-95’s, a necessity rather than a luxury.

Home-schooling- its shades and spheres

Many parents who are home-schooling their kids are confused regarding how it should be done precisely and meticulously, which will work in favor of their little ones. 

Sometimes it can be daunting and overwhelming for the parent generation considering this might be a bar-setter in their kid’s future, and indeed so.

It takes effort and experience to make this endeavour much more enjoyable and valuable.

The early habits and learning’s that will shape your little one into the ideal person with a consistent balance of IQ and EQ should be inculcated within them from an early age, as they say, “Early bird catches the worm”.

Some essential skills children need to hone during home-schooling

1. Cultivating new interests and working on them

Having just started to witness and observe the world, what dreams does your toddler carry in their eyes? 

Does your pre-schooler take an interest in planets and galaxies more than dollhouses and cars? 

Is your 13-year-old an absolute admirer of Shelly and Byron? 

The dreams in these little minds, which are evident when they talk oh-so-fondly about the subjects they love, need to be taken care of and nurtured. Encourage them in joining an art class or a poetry workshop. If the musical notes interest them more than the alphabets, encourage them to learn a new instrument. It must be remembered that co-curricular sharpen creative thinking and is as essential as mainstream academics.

2. Learning time management and balancing responsibilities

We have all been taught “Time and Tide waits for none”, yet very few of us learn to incorporate it into our daily lives. Let them realize that the mathematics homework and the guitar lesson are both equally important and thus should be given the same priority, hence all the more reason to get involved in a co-curricular activity. 

This would further help them learn to deal with multitasking in the coming years and realize the detrimental effects that procrastination can have in one’s life.

3. Mastering communication skills

We often see academically great students fumbling during Viva’s and Interview sessions, thus leading them to lag behind more than their peers. It’s essential to understand what is on other’s minds and do full strength critical thinking. 

Even the most introverted student might one day deliver a speech to a hall filled audience; one never knows. Try to give your child a topic once in a while and ask them to speak on it to sharpen their skills. Reading storybooks or listening to English news channels also help to a great extent. 

In this context, you can visit https://kiddoworksheets.com/ which provides dynamic worksheets that will help your little one increases their spoken English proficiency to a great extent.

4. Maintaining a proper timetable.

Prepare for them an attainable and relevant routine and make sure that they stick to it. Include positive habits like reading books or exercising and keep as little screen time as possible since everyone’s screen time has already increased due to the online classes. 

Setting goals and eventually achieving them is the only way to determine one’s progress. It will influence your child’s emotional and social development and teach them the importance of obedience. Also, this constructive habit, in the long run, will contribute to their healthy sleep schedule and stress management.

5. Self-assessment is the key to success

Even after a couple of grueling hours with a private tutor, the actual key to success is self-assessment. Education comes hand in hand with self-assessments and exams. It is essential to follow the skill, patience and practice, Which is a must-have for problem-solving capacities which can be attained by observing, analyzing and coming up with solutions.

Ensure that your children enjoy while they learn

We are familiar with “All work and no play make Jack a dull boy”. Parents often get so rigorous, and they forget how important it is to provide children with the required leisure time. I


All the above qualities can be sharpen within a child gradually with patience and affection, . There are also some more ways to incorporate these things into their lives. 

Visit https://kiddoworksheets.com/, a DIY, free website where you will easily find downloadable worksheets or customize them catering to your needs. 

The website is user-friendly way such that parents and students can access it. Like this, efficient and beneficial learning, developing and focusing on problem areas that require improvement will lead to success.

Happy Solving!

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