- How to Develop a Love of Reading in Students


Every parent, teacher teaching any subject, and administrator of educational institutions want the little one to grow a lifetime fondness towards reading. 

Raising a child is a joint effort, and every individual contributes in their way. Parents play the most crucial role because children spent most of their growing days with their parents. 

Children are very observant and are constantly looking up to their parents. If you are concerned about your child cultivating a reading habit, ditch the remote control and pick up a book or a magazine. 

Family is a child’s first learning ground

It is not uncommon for children to pick up the habits of their parents. So, instead of turning on the TV now and then, head for a magazine or any book that interests you. 

It is also beneficial, to begin with, a bedtime reading session every night before going to bed. Children do not fall asleep as soon as they go to bed. It is best to utilize this time by reading bedtime stories to them. Moreover, a reading routine gradually piques their interest and instills a growing fondness towards books. 

Reading before bed acts as a tool for the little ones to fall asleep. And this ultimately becomes a lifetime habit. 

Also, you can reduce their screen time while staying engaged in listening and reading with you. 

Some practical ways to encourage reading and cultivate the look for books in little humans 

  • Create a comfy reading area and fill it up with varieties of books

Every child has that corner of the house which they love the most and feels safe. Engage any nook or corner of your home and make it a cozy reading place. Add blankets, bean bags, one or two lamps, and your child’s favorite stuffed toy to make the corner attractive for your children. 

Fill the area with bookshelves and make sure it has a plethora of books. A comfortable and cozy place, numerous colorful books, and a reading routine will indeed urge an interest in your lit one to pick up a book and turn the pages. 

  • Reading with friends of the neighborhood 

Children love to go out to play. So why not turn one such Sunday afternoon into a reading club in the park with other children. As a parent, you might have to take the initiative and organize the reading session with other parents, but it will be a fun and joyful, interactive session. 

Let the children pick a book of their choice and read among themselves. Or, it can be a pictorial book, where they can narrate a story that comes to their minds from seeing the picture. It is one way to develop their imagination also. 

  • Reading in any form is good. 

Sometimes children may be confused about what to read. Let them know that reading in any form is good. Whether it is a comic book, a picture book, or a bedtime storybook, reading is good and can do wonders. Children who begin to read independently are often engrossed in the book that they do not realize how much time has passed in reading. 

  • Please encourage your child to pick a book of their liking 

Your child has their unique preferences, taste, likes, and dislikes. So why not allow them to choose their books. You may not always be excited about talking cars and birds, but if your child enjoys then why not? 

  • Expand the world of your toddler by reading books that have movies 

Watching a movie together is something every family enjoys. Select a book that has a movie and see your child fill with joy when they see the book’s characters come to life. You can begin with comics that have movies. 

  • For a change, play audio-books

If you feel your child is still not showing much interest in reading, then try playing an audio-book on your cell phone or tablet. Children are naturally inclined towards gadgets, and a story they hear on the same can develop the interest. 

Ensure that the books are simple, fluid, and colorful

Children love everything bright. So their books must have colors and pictures which will attract them. You will notice that even if your child is not reading, they will turn the pages they like the most. It is a start, and do not interrupt them. 


You can develop some creative techniques to engage your child with books apart from those mentioned above.

These are some of the practical ways to cultivate the love for books in children gradually. Once developed, reading contributes toward enhancing their vocabulary, increases their attention span, and promotes more assertive analytical thinking. Visit www.kiddoworksheets.com is an online DIY free, easy, and fun tool that let you make polished worksheets for your students.

Developing a reading habit does not happen overnight, and there is no fixed technique. Include reading in a routine, and as a parent, enjoy admiring your child to play with books. 

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